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Motherhood in ADHD – Parenting with ADHD, Productivity Tips, Brain based Science, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Education to Help Moms with Adult ADHD

Nov 18, 2021

How am I going to teach my kid to be good at stuff that even I'm not good at?

Today's episode is an ADHD Q&A session focused on helping you find ways to teach your child the important life skills they need to be responsible adults.

Okay, so maybe you aren't great at being on time or keeping up with laundry or remembering someone's name...but there are lots of things that you ARE GOOD at.

Let's focus on the good stuff, shall we?

Listen and learn how you can use what you ARE good at to create a path that helps your kiddo learn those life skills and reminds you that you ARE a Successful Mama.

One quick tip - keep things simple and positive.

I hope this episode helps you realize teaching responsibility to your child doesn't have to feel overwhelming or scary. You got this!

Oh, and since you're here I want to remind you I have some free resources to help you, parent, as a mom with ADHD. There are LOTS of goodies for you so head over to the resource page on my website and grab them up.


Click here for transcription.