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Motherhood in ADHD – Parenting with ADHD, Productivity Tips, Brain based Science, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Education to Help Moms with Adult ADHD

Apr 23, 2020

My little sister called for advice on how to help her best friend, who just found out her mom has terminal cancer with 12 months to live. Since our mom passed away of cancer when we were young, my sister felt like she should know what to say, yet she was stuck. Grief is strange like that. A death 15 years ago can...

Apr 16, 2020

Potty Training is one of the great obstacles of parenthood. You're really excited to get to the other side and never change another diaper! You're also dreading the effort, stress, and cleanup that goes into process. Because... SO MUCH PEE. Here are my 10 tips to set yourself up for success and get your child using...

Apr 9, 2020

Grit is an intimidating word for those of us with ADHD. A lot of us feel like we're not good at sticking with, well, anything. However, if we read Angela Duckworth's life-long study of grit, we learn not only that grit is a learned skill, but also how we can build our grit muscle. There are plenty of ADHD paragons...

Apr 2, 2020

FAIL: That's my 2020 word of the year. I know, that sounds ridiculous, so listen in while I explain why this is the perfect choice for me to achieve new levels of success this year. What about you? How do you feel when I ask you how your 2020 New Years Resolution or Goals are going? If it's panic, self-loathing,...