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Motherhood in ADHD – Parenting with ADHD, Productivity Tips, Brain based Science, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Education to Help Moms with Adult ADHD

Apr 27, 2023

When it’s time to leave on a trip, are you up at 2 AM stuffing random clothing in your suitcase because half of your clothes are still in the washer and you’re so delirious, you forget your underwear?

That was me up until about a year ago.

But this year’s spring break trip, I had everything packed and ready to go...

Apr 20, 2023

When it’s time to plan a trip, do you feel less like a blissful honeymooner and more like Tom Hanks in Castaway?  And you haven’t even left yet…

Look, you know you’ll love the vacation when you’re on it, but getting ready for a trip is mostly ADHD hell. 

Planning, organizing, packing, thinking forward in time,...

Apr 14, 2023

Are you listening to this podcast at 1:30 AM while rage cleaning your kitchen?

…when you “should” be sleeping?

Ask me how I know.

Sleep issues often go hand in hand with ADHD. In today’s episode, I’m sharing what’s working for me to fall asleep quickly and go to bed earlier.  But it doesn’t include...

Apr 6, 2023

“The only reason why someone might not like a visual checklist is if they don't understand what the task is. So that's where a demonstration might be needed. Or they feel like it's too hard, in which case you can break up that into even more mini tasks.” –Laura Matteson

Notice how Laura takes the shame and...