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Motherhood in ADHD – Parenting with ADHD, Productivity Tips, Brain based Science, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Education to Help Moms with Adult ADHD

Aug 27, 2020

How do we get ourselves and our children ready for school among the chaos and stress of the pandemic? We can prepare for a good portion of the craziness by making a plan and helping our kids (and ourselves) know what differences to expect this year. Listen as I share what you can do at home to be ready for both walking...

Aug 20, 2020

Are you freaking the heck out about Back to School? What are you going to do!?! This pandemic is bringing an extra layer of stress to school starting and the first thing we can do is set up a healthy mindset on how to approach the giant ball of what-ifs. What every parent needs to hear about setting priorities...

Aug 13, 2020

When you are ready to make some positive changes in your life, this is the book I want you to grab. James Clear has created the 4 laws to build habits in a simple and doable fashion, perfect for the disorganized, scattered person who struggles with consistency and building momentum. I'll walk you through how I built my...

Aug 6, 2020

I can not explain what ADHD is without discussing Executive Function, because executive functioning is the CEO of our brain. You use it to run your life: your productivity, efficiency, family, work, friendship, including every single decision you make, from career choices to when to brush your teeth. Keeping up with...