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Motherhood in ADHD – Parenting with ADHD, Productivity Tips, Brain based Science, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Education to Help Moms with Adult ADHD

Oct 31, 2019

You are an amazing, loving, perfect-for-your-kids Mother. If you are struggling to think of a reason why, I asked four Powerhouse ADHD Mom Role Models to share their ADHD Ninja Mom Skills with you. I am honored to share their wisdom, honesty, and encouragement with you, Mama. In honor of ADHD Awareness month, let's...

Oct 24, 2019

So many of us with ADHD have been beaten over the head regarding all of the things we don't "do right". I want to challenge you to think about what you DO do right. You are a Bad A$$ Mama who can do tremendous things. You have admirable personality traits. You can do things few others can do. What are the skills that...

Oct 17, 2019

In all my years of parent conferences, most parents asked about their child's grades & that's it. That's a wasted opportunity! You can learn so much about your child from their teacher, as can the teacher learn about your child from you. You, mama, set the priorities for your child's growth, so it's time to team up &...

Patricia's ADHD Diagnosis & Story

Oct 10, 2019

In honor of ADHD Awareness Month: You asked; I answered! When did I get diagnosed? How has my life been affected by ADHD? I'm cracking open the history book and sharing my diagnosis, struggles, failures, as well as my successes. From sweet childhood, disastrous college years, and flawed career choices, I'm an open book. I...

Oct 10, 2019

In honor of ADHD Awareness Month: You asked; I answered! When did I get diagnosed? How has my life been affected by ADHD? I'm cracking open the history book and sharing my diagnosis, struggles, failures, as well as my successes. From sweet childhood, disastrous college years, and flawed career choices, I'm an open book. I...